
Rising Retail Category – New tool by Google

Google has launched a new tool named ‘Rising Retail Category’ within the Think With Google domain. Owing to the current COVID-19 lockdown, there have been drastic changes in the user’s search queries. We can see a shift from the earlier searching behavior of the user, wherein the current searches are more needs-driven. The search queries for topics like travel has drastically reduced. All this may change again once the economy is back up, but for now, Google is trying to accustom itself to the current user behavior and presents you with the trending products to sell.

What is the ‘Rising Retail Category’ tool?

In the current crisis, Google believes that the product search, which is dynamic in nature, has evolved. Since the crisis, they started hearing from their retailers and brand partners on more insights about the consumer interests.

For instance, if we take the month of April, Google saw a spike in search interest for household supplies and jigsaw puzzles, as people started to spend more time at home. This month (May), they see a spike in interest for sewing machines and baking materials in the US.

So, in order to provide more of these insights, Google has introduced a tool called ‘Rising Retail Category’ on Think with Google. It provides information on fast-growing, product related categories in Google search, the locations they are growing in, and their related queries.

This is the first time Google is providing such kind of data to the public!

How to access Rising Retail Category tool?

The Rising Retail Category tool is accessible with Google’s ‘Think with Google’ platform. The same can be accessed here.

How to use Rising Retail Category tool?

Once you navigate to the above-mentioned site, you’ll be presented with the following page:

Rising Retail Category Home Screen - Product Insights - trending products to sell

There are 4 major aspects in this page from which you can gain insights:

  1. Filter
  2. Top Trending Category
  3. Search Query
  4. Region of Search
insights in Rising Retail Category page - Product Insights - trending products to sell

We’ll be discussing each of these in detail.

1. Filter tab

  • The filter tab gives you information on the category that is selected, allows you to update the Country for which you want to see the data, and the duration range.
  • Currently, the country filter provides information on the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia.
  • The duration tab allows you to adjust it based on Weekly, Monthly, or Yearly data.
Filter tab - Rising Retail Category - Product Insights

2. Top trending categories

This tab provides you with information on the product categories that are trending during the selected time period. Alongside each product category, it also provides information on the percentage increase in its search trend.

Top Trending Categories - Rising Retail Category - Product Insights - trending products to sell

3. Search Query

The search query tab provides more information on the selected trending category. The search query tab provides information on the search terms that triggered that category. It also provides information on the number of search queries that were triggered during the selected time frame for that category.

Search Queries - Rising Retail Category - Product Insights - trending products to sell

4. Region of Search

This tab provides information on the volume of search queries that are coming from a particular region. It helps us understand which particular area is trending for which category.

Search Volume - Rising Retail Category - trending products to sell


In this article, we discussed the new tool by Google – Rising Retail Category, along with its features and how it provides information on the trending products to sell. For the next few months, the tool will be continuously updated by Google with fresh data which would help us gain insights into consumer behavior.

Reference – Search Engine Land