
Facebook for Dummies

Facebook Marketing for Dummies - Paul Dunay

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    About This Book

    Facebook Marketing For Dummies is the first book to provide you, a marketer, with in-depth analysis into the strategies, tactics, and techniques available to leverage the Facebook community and achieve your business objectives. By breaking down the Web service into its basic features of creating a Facebook Page for your business, adding applications to your Page, hosting an event, creating a Facebook Group, advertising, and buying and selling goods in the Facebook Marketplace, we lay out a user-friendly blueprint to marketing and promoting an organization via Facebook. Furthermore, we cite numerous real-world examples of how businesses have both succeeded and failed on Facebook, underscoring the treacherous road marketers must navigate while traversing this capricious landscape. Finally at the end of the book, we list assorted Web links that can further enhance your Facebook marketing experience and offer ways that you can protect your identity while in the social network.

    Topics Covered

    Part I: Getting Started on Facebook

    Are you ready to get your company started on Facebook? Before you can answer that question, you have much to consider. Part I talks about what to keep in mind when it comes to Facebook marketing, such as how and why   to build a presence on the social network, what the changing demographics in Facebook mean to you, how to become a Facebook member and navigate through the system, and how to expand your business network in the community. You need to make a subtle mind shift along the way that we can only describe as being more open and transparent. Many companies struggle with this, but those that embrace it go on to have a new level of relationships with their customers and prospects.

    Part II: Putting Facebook to Work

    All marketers — young and old — are looking for ways to put Facebook to work for their companies, small businesses, or clients. In this part, we show you how to secure a spot for your business on Facebook, how to design a great Page, and how to create a strategy for marketing that Page on Facebook. We discuss what it means to market your Page virally, the differences between Facebook Groups and Facebook Pages, as well as how to throw an event in Facebook.

    Part III: Strategies for Advertising Success

    Part III can help you create a new source of revenue for your business. We   tell you how to advertise on Facebook by targeting a specific audience, creating and testing your ads, and then measuring that ad’s success. You learn how to optimize an ad campaign and get insights into your customers’ inter- actions with your Facebook Page. And we introduce you to the Facebook Marketplace where you can sell your products and services on Facebook in a way that further promotes your brand.

    Part IV: Riding the Facebook Viral Wave

    Facebook offers ways to make your presence on Facebook even better! In Part IV, we lead you through a discussion of Facebook applications that you can add or create, and that can help promote your brand. We also discuss how to use Facebook to host a contest and conduct a survey that can give  you insights into this ever-expanding Facebook audience. Finally, we show  you how to extend the Facebook Platform to your own Web site in a way that further expands the viral marketing effect of Facebook.

    Part V: The Part of Tens

    We packed these chapters with quick ideas to help you convince others in your company why you should have a Facebook Page, how to conduct your- self on Facebook in a way that best meets your business goals, how to find the latest happenings on Facebook through blogs, and what top business applications you can use on your Facebook Page for business.

    About the Authors

    Paul Dunay has spent more than 20 years in marketing, generating demand and creating buzz for leading technology companies such as Google, IBM, Microsoft, Oracle, SAP, Nuance, Cisco, and BearingPoint. He has also delivered work for American Express, Motorola, Genzyme, Novartis, Citigroup, Cendant, and Ernst & Young.

    Paul is the Global Managing Director of Services Marketing for Avaya. His unique approach to integrated marketing has been recognized as the 2008 Winner of the DemandGen Award for utilizing marketing automation to fuel corporate growth, and a 2007 and 2006 finalist and the 2005 winner of the Driving New Demand award by the Information Technology Services Marketing Association (ITSMA).

    Richard Krueger is founder and CEO of About Face Digital, a social media marketing agency specializing in Facebook promotions. Recognized as an online marketing innovator, Mr. Krueger is also co-founder of Samepoint,  LLC, a leading social media analytics company. He brings more than 20 years of experience to his roles at both companies.

    Mr. Krueger previously served as Chief Marketing Officer for Boonty, Inc.,  a worldwide digital distributor of casual games. Prior to that, he served as VP of Marketing and Business Development for Kasparov Chess Online, where he led marketing and brand licensing efforts for Garry Kasparov, the former world chess champion. Before his entrepreneurial career, Mr. Krueger worked at several top ten advertising and public relations agencies in New York City. He is a regular blogger and contributes numerous articles to advertising and PR trade journals.