
Google’s Robots.txt Update: A Closer Look

Google updates robot.txt file

Understanding the Impact and Implications

In a significant move that will likely reshape the way webmasters manage their site’s accessibility, Google has announced a new policy regarding robots.txt files. Starting from October 1, 2024, unsupported fields within robots.txt files will be ignored. This means that any custom directives or parameters that Google doesn’t recognize will be effectively treated as non-existent.

What Does This Mean for Webmasters?

For many webmasters, this update might seem like a minor tweak. However, it has far-reaching implications, especially for those who have been relying on custom directives to control their site’s visibility.

Key Points to Consider:

  1. Adherence to Standard Directives: Only the standard directives defined by the robots.txt protocol will be honored. This includes User-agent, Disallow, Allow, Sitemap, and Crawl-delay. Any other directives, even if widely used, will be ignored.
  2. Custom Directives Become Ineffective: If you’ve been using custom directives to block specific bots, limit crawling frequency, or control other aspects of your site’s accessibility, those directives will no longer have any effect.
  3. Potential for Unexpected Behavior: The removal of unsupported directives might lead to unexpected behavior if your site was relying on them for critical functions. For instance, if you were using a custom directive to block a specific bot that was causing issues, it might now be able to access your site freely.
  4. Need for Re-evaluation: It’s essential to review your robots.txt file and remove any unsupported directives. This will help ensure that your site’s accessibility aligns with Google’s expectations.
  5. Focus on Standard Directives: To effectively control your site’s visibility, concentrate on using the standard directives. These directives are well-understood and provide a reliable way to manage crawling behavior.

Examples of Unsupported Directives:

While the full list of unsupported directives is not exhaustive, here are some common examples that are likely to be ignored:

  • Custom User-Agent Strings: If you’ve created custom user-agent strings to target specific bots or software, they will no longer be recognized.
  • Custom Directives for Limiting Crawling: Directives like “Crawl-rate” or “Max-pages” are not standard and will be ignored.
  • Directives for Specific Features: Any directives that attempt to control specific features of Google’s crawling process, such as image indexing or JavaScript execution, will be ineffective.

Why This Change?

Google’s decision to ignore unsupported directives is likely driven by a desire for standardization and consistency. By enforcing adherence to the standard robots.txt protocol, Google aims to simplify the crawling process and improve the overall quality of search results.

Best Practices for Updating Your Robots.txt File:

  1. Review and Remove Unsupported Directives: Carefully examine your robots.txt file and remove any directives that are not part of the standard protocol.
  2. Test and Validate: After making changes, test your site to ensure that it’s behaving as expected. Pay attention to any changes in crawling activity or search engine visibility.
  3. Consider Using Google Search Console: Google Search Console provides valuable tools for monitoring your site’s performance and identifying any issues related to crawling.
  4. Stay Informed: Keep an eye on Google’s announcements and guidelines to stay updated on any changes to the robots.txt protocol.


The update to Google’s robots.txt policy marks a significant shift in how webmasters can control their site’s accessibility. By focusing on standard directives and removing unsupported elements, you can ensure that your site remains compliant and continues to be effectively crawled by Google. This change presents an opportunity to streamline your site’s configuration and improve its overall performance.

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